Relax while FFC, a trusted partner since 2001, does the work for you.
Your health can be complicated.
Your Medicare Set-Aside doesn’t have to be.
Let Fidelity Fiduciary give you a helping hand.

A History of Trust
We Are Different
Our Services

In 1980, Congress enacted the first of a series of provisions that made Medicare the secondary payer to certain additional primary plans. These provisions are known as the Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) provisions and are found at section 1862(b) of the Social Security Act (the Act).
Unlike many of the newly minted professional administrators who claim sleek and sterile computerized transactions. FFC goes above and beyond the basic Medicare compliance duties to include personal contact with all parties and the provision of comprehensive services.
Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Asides
Non-submission Worker’s Comp MSA’s
Post Settlement Advisory Services
Custodial Agreements signed by all parties
Liability Medicare Set-Asides